Chase The Ace

Raise your glass and get ready to headbang your head off!

Chase The Ace are the jaw droppin', sleaze drippin', hard rockin' phenomenon that's here to stay! Bringing you a slick modern twist on the guitar wailing, drum crushing bands of the 80's, CTA's approach of "running as fast as you can with your eyes closed" is proving itself:
In their short time of existence, they've managed to conquer rock charts around the world,
Launch a well praised EP ("Pure RockNRoll! - 4.5 stars",
sign with the UK based Z-Records (SteelHeart, Doug Aldrich - Whitesnake, Enuff Z Nuff...),
record their debut album "Are You Ready?" (Out April 22nd throughout Europe & N. America),
all while raising hell on stages in their home country of Israel, turning every gig to a rocknroll party with chicks on stage and guitar solos on the bar.


Chase The Ace are:
Roi Vito Peleg - Vocals / Rhythm Guitar
Yam Artzy - Drums / Back Vocals
Dan Parsons - Lead Guitar / Back Vocals
Yair Gadon - Bass / Back Vocals


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